domingo, 28 de junho de 2020

Do many people want to learn English?

I have started studying English for a long time; it does not mean I have considered it for all those years since I have begun it.
Since then, I have been hearing and reading people say they want or need to learn it. Preferably, they want it in a fast and easy way; they want it for yesterday. Some people, mainly millennials and Z generations, think that everything is similar to junk food they are used to eating in their everyday routine.
I know that as much young is a generation as much it is, and people suppose the world is waiting to be conquered by them. Who will tell them the truth? No worries; life is going to answer that question and many others else.
If someone is smart enough to reach the intermediate level in English or any other language in three years, it's a great achievement; it would be a quick process because I would say that I have been on that level for a time longer than that.
I assume that pressing need is not valid. I have taken part in many applications (apps) for learning languages, and I have been taking part in some social media groups for languages as well. Many people ask other participants to teach them to say the meaning of some words that a rapid looking at on a dictionary would clarify the questions.
I offered some pdf material to them; some even did not answer me; a few accepted them, but when I asked them if they were studying, they said they did not or had not had time to study. For a few of them, I have even said I could try to explain some points they have not understood, although I told them I am not an English or French teacher, but I was able to help a little at the beginning of their studies. Almost none has asked me some questions, and they have not persisted at least to show me any more questions.
Many others ask for language partners, but when their wishes meet interested learners, these do not have answers back, and when they begin it, they do not continue on the interchange. Some people who know a little of a foreign language commented the same story with me, the ones who have asked for help do not respond or disappear quickly after having accepted it.
Despite 898.4 million English speakers as a second language globally (1), I believe that most people who say to want to learn English are not saying their real intention.
I suppose most of them want it only on their words; they wish it as magic, a miracle. They are not willing to spend thousands of hours studying it to able to speak it at least in the intermediate stage, as an independent user, levels B1 and B2 (2); and much less to make efforts to be an advanced English speaker, as a proficient user, levels C1 and C2 (2).
It is not only language learning that demands efforts and time in life to be successful.   Jun 28th, 2020.


1. List of languages by total number of speakers. [Date accessed 06/28/20].

2.  International language standards.,C2%20for%20those%20who%20have%20mastered%20a%20language. [Date accessed 06/28/20].

2 comentários:

  1. In reality, most people look for immediate pleasures that are easy to achieve. What counts is the law of the least effort, and to achieve excellence in anything we need to leave our comfort zone and that implies walking a second mile.
    Learning a new language requires sacrifice and like everything in life we ​​have to pay the price to conquer.
    Love and sacrifice go hand in hand is what drives people to go to the end, but unfortunately education is in the background of people's lives.
    In my opinion, what really makes people interested in learning anything is the awakening of the need for something that complements their ambitions.
    I believe that a new pedagogy is necessary not only to learn by learning, but that meets the needs and interests of people, leading them to discover the new in a playful way and with objectivity.

  2. There are infinite reasons why person decides to learn a language- they may be educational, entertainment, work-related, or like me, to immigrate. When I decided to learn English, I didn’t know any English at that point just some basic words. And my goal was always to be able to speak with native speakers. I have done the same thing like you; I have taken part in many applications and some social media groups. It definitely wasn’t easy in the beginning because I didn’t have enough background in that time, but I have taken it like a challenge. Everyone was so patient and kind to me and we helped each other to practice and improve our English but we do that just for a few days then they disappear or they give an excuse for not wanting to learn English.
    During these two years I realized that if you want to reach your goal you have to force yourself to keep doing it and not give up even you don’t find the favorable conditions for that.
