quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2022

Restaurant Culture in Brazil

Eating is one of the most wonderful activities in life, of course, the list is large. Working is not a pleasant thing, at least, for me. So, it is better to eat out if we have money.

Brazilian people as the majority one like to eat out, but it depends on their salaries. On weekends, for example, generally, they do not prepare lunch on Sundays. They lunch out in a steak house — which is usually expensive — or in a self-service restaurant.

A self-service restaurant is a sort of restaurant where you can choose what and how much you want to eat. There are two types: 1. You pay per weight (the restaurant fixes a price for kilogram); 2. or you pay an unique price and eat as much as you can. Some restaurants offer both modalities or only one of them. I prefer paying per weight because I believe I do not eat too much, around 500g, and if it costs 10 euros per kilogram, I pay 5,00 euros. Of course, there are cheaper and more expensive restaurants.

When Brazilians want to prepare a family Sunday lunch, they opt for a barbecue, its side dishes change from state to state. And, normally, people from one state dislike other states' side dishes.

For Saturday lunches, some Brazilians like to have feijoada (a feijoada recipe https://g.co/kgs/7pGNfi), which is a type of stew made with pork's parts (ears, paws, tails, sausage etc), black beans, flour, cabbage leaves, an orange, and a glass of caipirinha (caipirinha recipe https://g.co/kgs/qNdBGN). Feijoada is a typical Brazilian dish, but it was brought by African slavers. It is said to be originated in India, Goa State.

On Saturday night, they prefer going to a pizza restaurant. Pizza is not an originated-Brazil dish, the modern one is from Italy. Although, its history began 6,000 years ago, according to a magazine. Someones like to have a delivery pizza and others go to a pizza restaurant. Someones go to an eat as much as you can pizza restaurants. Male young people like going to one and they compete to be the one who eats the biggest number of slices of pizza. It is something like craziness, is it not?

In general, Brazilians choose the restaurant taking into account the celebrations, circumstances, and how much they want to spend.

During the weekdays, people do it in many ways. Some people who have a healthy diet, they prefer preparing their meals at home and taking them to the work. Others prefer to order a packed lunch, its prices vary a lot, since from less than two euros. Others go to a self-service restaurant at lunchtime.

Going to à la carte menu restaurant is more expensive than having a packed lunch or going to a self-service restaurant.

Some people do not pay much attention to their health, they eat anywhere, even on the streets. In Brazil, in almost every city, there are food street vendors, and they also sell pop drinks, candies, juices, and chewing gums. Some of them offer some types of sandwiches (hot dogs or others) and a little dinner. A little dinner with rice, french fries, and meat on a stick (it also can be chicken), costs less than three euros. Depending on the location, reputation, and taste recognition, there are queues to have some food in trailler food or other sort of street food point.

Believe you or not, in some Brazilian cities, it is possible to buy from a street vendor only one cigarette or a dose of cachaça (brandy)!

In my opinion, it is not recommended to eat in a place like that because lack of hygiene.

From medium sizes to big ones cities, we have international junk food chains, such as Mc Donalds, Burger King, Subway, and many others. Some people like these types of food, mainly children and teenagers.

In big cities, for example, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, we find cosmopolitan cuisine. Naturally, they cost a lot.

If you have any question about Brazilian foods, do not be a shy person, ask me, please.